Latest Episodes
Living The Example In Leadership And Service, with Peter Schravemade (part 2), Ep #69
Any leader in any organization has to be mindful of the example they set. What you model will be a good example or a bad example for distinct groups of people: those you lead, those you serve, those with whom you are in a close relationship, and those who observe your life from a distance. This undeniable reality is an...
In Podcast
How An Upstart Australian Real Estate Tech Company is Storming the U.S.—Part 1 with Peter Schravemade, Ep #68
Real Estate is an industry that everyone understands on a basic level, but very few know about the highly specialized niche businesses that serve the industry. These organizations keep the real estate machine humming along smoothly for the benefit of both buyers and sellers. Some of them enhance the process to provide greater value for everyone involved. Peter Schravemade serves...
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5 Reasons You May Be Promoting The Wrong People And How To Avoid Them, Ep #67
In his book, “The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong,” Dr. Laurence J. Peter quipped that “People in a hierarchy rise to their level of incompetence.” By this, he meant that employees are typically promoted based on their success in previous roles under the assumption that they will do well with even greater amounts of responsibility and leadership. Laurence...
In Podcast
The Winding Road To Greater Purpose, with Max Duckworth, Ep #66
We’ve all heard it said that the shortest path between two points is a straight line. That’s undoubtedly true, but what we often fail to realize is that the BEST path is not always the most direct or straight path. Sometimes it’s the bends and turns in the path that brings the rich experience and learning that we need the...
Work Engagements Can’t Be Mutually Meaningful Without This, Ep #65
“The obscure we see eventually, the completely obvious, it seems takes longer.” ~ Edward R. Murrow. Edward R. Murrow was a broadcast journalist and war correspondent who gained prominence during World War II. His statement points out something we all know, the obvious things don’t always get our attention right away. It happens to all of us. It even happens...